An better workaround of hanging up opensolaris 0906 as KVM guest under debian sid.

I mentioned before, using 'qemu32' cpu type is avoiding from hanging up opensolaris 0906 on KVM under Debian sid. However this workaround has the big side-effect,which is disabling almost all cpu feature.

I found a more better workaround that only disabling 'mce' (Machine Check Exception) cpu feature cause opensolaris is running as stable under KVM.I'll show the sample directive of libvirt xml to disable 'mce' feature,

  <cpu match='exact'>
    <model>athlon</model> <!-- you can also specify another cpu model, ex. qemu64 etc... -->
    <feature policy='disable' name='mce'/>

Then opensolaris 0906 KVM geust run as stable ,at least under my environment ;-)

I also write down about my environment,