Listening Japanese Internet radio with gxine-0.5.904 of Debian sid (squeeze/sid)

In Japan, there are many internet radio stations managed by amature broadcasters.If you have interests about such sites,you can see the lists visiting some Japanese portal sites ,ex. livedoor's 'NETO-RAJI' etc...

The 'gxine' is my favorite application listening Internet radio using Debian sid. But unfortunatelly ,in almost all case,'gxine' can not display the title of music correctly. This is because Japanese Internet radio stations normally send music meta-data having many SHIFT-JIS characters.

I found simple solution to display correct Japanese music title using 'gxine'. The solution is the following command when invoking 'gxine',

env LANG=ja_JP.SHIFT-JIS gxine

If you use gnome-panel, you can also register this command to application launcher.

Have fun!