Using freedesktop-sound-theme in Debian sid (squeeze/sid)

Few days ago, after updating my debian box, I found the 'system sound' tab in gnome-sound-property grayed out. This problem and workarounds are shown in the article of #516080 - gnome-control-center: Sound preferences greyed out - Debian Bug report logs. However these workaround are not using the debian package system, then I try to find an another workaround.

Finally I find. My workaround is seems to work fine ,EXCEPT FOR PLAYING LOGOUT SOUND. It is because the gnome-session in current Debian sid is 2.24, and this version of gnome-session doesn't have ability of logout sound of freedesktop sound theme. I see the latest version source codes of gnome-session,and also its archtecture is totally changed.In future release of debian, the gnome-session can play the logout sound of freedesktop sound theme.

Anyway, besides not playing logout sound, I will show my method below.
Offcause, applying at your own risks ;-)

Step 1. Delete gnome-audio

aptitude purge gnome-audio

Step 2. Delete user's gconf data related old system sounds.

rm -rf $(HOME)/.gconf/desktop/gnome/sound

Step 3. Install the full of libcanberra.

aptitude install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk0 libcanberra0 gnome-session-canberra

Step 4. Retrive debian source package of freedesktop sound theme from

wget -O freedesktop-sound-theme.tgz ';a=snapshot;h=c6773c0c08eeaab03c466dc015d36809dff537bf;sf=tgz'

Step 5. Unpack and apply small fixes.

tar xzf freedesktop-sound-theme.tgz
cd freedesktop-sound-theme/debian
sed -e 's:touch build:./configure --prefix=/usr \&\& $(MAKE) \&\& &:' rules > tmp; cp tmp rules
sed -e 's:\*:&.ogg:' freedesktop-sound-theme.install > tmp; cp tmp freedesktop-sound-theme.install
rm tmp
cd ..

Step 6. Build and install.

dpkg-reconfigure -rfakeroot
cd ..
dpkg -i freedesktop-sound-theme_0.2-1_i386.deb

Step 7. Invoke gnome-sound-property and configure 'system sound'.

(then you can select 'system sound' tab correctly!)

Step 8. Reboot your system.

Then you can hear the login sound after login procedure ,and also you can hear many sounds according to window actions.

Have fun!